The last time anyone heard from us about our little Gillian, not much was new to report. Well, suffice it to say, things have changed just a bit. In the past month, a few things have happened. A little over 3 weeks ago, Michelle and I noticed that Gillian had definitely been pulling herself up to certain pieces of furniture. We noticed this over a weekend, and we thought it would only be a matter of time before she stood up in her crib. Little did we know it would happen the very next day (not once but twice). On a Sunday morning, I went in to wake her and she was standing in her crib, just hangin' out waiting on someone to come and get her. She has grown so, so much. She is also crawling (very quickly, I might add), and can make it everywhere in our upstairs in a matter of a few seconds. In the month that I have not posted, the blog also turned 1 year old. Hard to believe what we were doing a year ago at this time...some of the old posts were definitely
fun to read.
In other news, we would like to extend our condolences to the Danz family. Don lost his mother, Mrs. Danz late in January. Please know that even though we didn't post anything, we have definitely been thinking and praying for you
Danz Family!
I don't know if I posted anything at the time of Gillian's birth, but Michelle's first labor and delivery nurse, was none other than Jenn Miller, with whom I went to high school (then Jenn Troxel), and so periodically we have kept in touch and we were elated to hear that her and her husband Kenny are expecting their first child in March. In October, Baby Miller was diagnosed with CDH. Jenn has started her own blog to keep up with their experiences and for support and encouragement. Please keep the Miller family in your prayers as they approach their due date. You can read their blog