The sonogram went off without a hitch! Definitely the coolest part of the pregnancy so far. Our sonographer was very helpful and thorough with what we were seeing. She pointed out all of the baby's internal organs, including kidneys and heart. The heart was pumping away at 147 beats per minute and we got to hear it again. I wish there were another word for it other than surreal, but that's all I can think of.... Baby was definitely mugging for the camera because at one point they crossed their hands and seemed to wave at us.
The sonographer told us that the baby currently weighs 12 oz. and is measuring normally in all other areas measured. They measure crazy things like abdominal diameter and the thickness of the nucha (I think I spelled that right...). The nucha is the area of skin behind the neck. This has become an increasingly used early indicator of Down's Syndrome and other chromosomal disorders. All of baby Madison's measurements seemed to be within range. And for those wondering, the baby's arms and legs do measure at a normal length....(that's for all you Matt haters who claim that I am unnaturally short and stubby)
Today, Rupel (Dr. Fischer's nurse) called to tell us that when the radiologist was reviewing all of the pictures taken of the baby, he/she did not see all 4 chambers of the heart clearly defined. This could be for any number of reasons, but most likely was due to the position of the baby when the picture of the heart was taken or because the sonographer did not get a real clear shot of the heart. Our money is on the latter, as the gal who did the ultrasound definitively identified the 4 chambers during the live ultrasound. We're thinking she just didn't get a real clear image of it. At any rate, we are going back for a 2nd sonogram (oh darn) sometime around 4 weeks from now. Nothing to worry about here, as this is fairly routine.
On to the good stuff. Pictures are below!! (if you can't see them too well and would like me to send them to you, give me a shout)