First off, I wanted to clear up the sonogram nonsense that I was spewing a few posts ago. I totally had the wrong date listed for the sonogram. I had listed LAST Monday as the date, when in all actuality, we get to see the little tyke TODAY. OOps! Sorry about that. The appointment is this afternoon at 3:15, so I'll be meeting Michelle at Menorah Medical Center in just a few hours.
I looked this morning at some of the things happening with the baby this week. Here are a few highlights: the baby is now right around 11 inches long and weighs over a pound. The baby now has the ability to swallow as well. Guess we'll get to see the mini-person this afternoon! If they give us the hard-copy pictures, I'll share those via the blog as soon as I can.
I promised pictures of the pea-green nursery, and I've come through. You can find them on our Picasa site (located here), or I've embedded one so you can get an idea.

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