These long weekends really get me off on my days. I was thinking it had only been 4 days since I posted, but it's been 6. Lucky for me, that's not my longest streak yet. Let's hope this post will kick off a stretch of quite a few days in row. Though that seems a bit too much like a Royals winning streak -- it probably won't happen. :)
We are at 33 weeks today. Our next doctor's appointment is next Tuesday. At this point, the baby really hasn't changed much in it's size, but his skin is less wrinkled and has lost the red coloration for the most part.
Our weekend was jam-packed, as we volunteered at the Great American Barbecue on Friday and Saturday. Saturday we just couldn't seem to avoid the rain. Every time the sun would come out, another thunderstorm would form right behind it. The sun made for some interesting allergy problems for me on Saturday. That led to us not being able to do much on Sunday for the barbecue, but the rain seemed to chase people away anyway. The food was excellent, and the fun was even better. We can't wait to do it again next year.
On Sunday, my parents came up for a visit and to see Josh and Abby's new apartment, so we stopped by and had a little barbecue in between storms.
On Monday, Michelle was able to get into the baby's room to do some touch-up painting and hopefully we'll be able to hang curtains and begin putting things on the wall this week.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Sorry it's a few days late and well overdue, but a great big Congrats to the 2007 graduates in our respective families. Josh graduated from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD. Garret graduated from Iola High School in Iola, KS. Finally, Catherine graduated from Bishop Kelley High School in Tulsa, OK.
This week has been absolutely nuts. After the weekend festivities, Josh and I hustled back up to Kansas City to play in a couple of makeup softball games. Then on Monday morning Michelle flew back to Kansas City from Tulsa. I picked her up from the airport, dropped her off at work and then headed to work myself. I found out on Monday that my team was to give a client demo on Wednesday afternoon at 5pm. That led to a lot of work in just 2 days time, so I apologize that I'm just now getting to the blog.
We do have pictures of the graduations and I will be adding those very soon.
As for the baby, Michelle has mentioned this week that she really feels pregnant. The baby's movements are much more prounounced and when I feel the baby move, it actually feels like a human being. It is so weird to think that in a few short weeks, our lives will change forever.
We had an appointment on Tuesday that I unfortunately missed because of the client deliverable that we had on Wednesday. The baby's little heart was pumping away at over 150 beats per minute. Michelle said that Dr. Fischer told her that she would see us in 2 weeks "unless your water breaks or you go into labor". I think that means we're getting close!! As of yesterday, we're at 32 weeks. Some significant things...the baby now has fingernails and toenails and some babies have a headful of hair by now. The baby is around 4 pounds and about 17" long.
This weekend is the Great American Barbeque. Both Michelle and I are on the Beer & Ice committee, so we'll be out there driving our little carts around and delivering whatever is needed by the contestants. Come on out and see us....I'm sure we can find time to take a little break! You can see the complete schedule of events here.
This week has been absolutely nuts. After the weekend festivities, Josh and I hustled back up to Kansas City to play in a couple of makeup softball games. Then on Monday morning Michelle flew back to Kansas City from Tulsa. I picked her up from the airport, dropped her off at work and then headed to work myself. I found out on Monday that my team was to give a client demo on Wednesday afternoon at 5pm. That led to a lot of work in just 2 days time, so I apologize that I'm just now getting to the blog.
We do have pictures of the graduations and I will be adding those very soon.
As for the baby, Michelle has mentioned this week that she really feels pregnant. The baby's movements are much more prounounced and when I feel the baby move, it actually feels like a human being. It is so weird to think that in a few short weeks, our lives will change forever.
We had an appointment on Tuesday that I unfortunately missed because of the client deliverable that we had on Wednesday. The baby's little heart was pumping away at over 150 beats per minute. Michelle said that Dr. Fischer told her that she would see us in 2 weeks "unless your water breaks or you go into labor". I think that means we're getting close!! As of yesterday, we're at 32 weeks. Some significant things...the baby now has fingernails and toenails and some babies have a headful of hair by now. The baby is around 4 pounds and about 17" long.
This weekend is the Great American Barbeque. Both Michelle and I are on the Beer & Ice committee, so we'll be out there driving our little carts around and delivering whatever is needed by the contestants. Come on out and see us....I'm sure we can find time to take a little break! You can see the complete schedule of events here.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Amy!
The length of a traditional quarter in a school year is all that remains between us and the due date. 31 weeks and the baby has developed most of it's internal organs, the main thing left now is for the baby to gain fat. The baby weighs around 3 pounds and is around 16" long.
It has been pretty busy this week around the house. Michelle received a surprise baby shower from her 5th graders on Wednesday afternoon. It absolutely made her week. The thoughtfulness of her class was amazing. At the age of 10 and 11, you don't expect kids to be that selfless, but these kids were. It was greatly appreciated. We are truly, truly blessed. Thank you.
Thursday was Amy's 22nd birthday, so we joined her and a few of her friends at Brio on the plaza for dinner. It was a fun night. The food was excellent, and it was good to catch up with everyone...I just can't believe my baby sister is 22!!
Within the next couple hours, Michelle and I will be headed to Tulsa for Catherine's high school graduation which will be on Saturday morning. Afterwards there is a reception to honor Catherine. Saturday night, I will be going to Iola for Garret's graduation which is on Sunday, while Michelle stays behind for Catherine's final dance recital. I have a softball doubleheader on Sunday night, so I'm headed back up to KC on Sunday evening and Michelle will fly home from Tulsa on Monday morning.
Only 1 more week of school for Michelle. I think her kids have had spring fever for the last 2 months! And to think that when she starts back, we'll have a new baby...
I probably won't have a chance to update the blog until next week, but will hopefully have pictures of Amy's birthday (this means send me those pictures Amy!) and graduations galore.....if you're really lucky, Garret's take on a popular Stomp routine will be here in the form of video.
It has been pretty busy this week around the house. Michelle received a surprise baby shower from her 5th graders on Wednesday afternoon. It absolutely made her week. The thoughtfulness of her class was amazing. At the age of 10 and 11, you don't expect kids to be that selfless, but these kids were. It was greatly appreciated. We are truly, truly blessed. Thank you.
Thursday was Amy's 22nd birthday, so we joined her and a few of her friends at Brio on the plaza for dinner. It was a fun night. The food was excellent, and it was good to catch up with everyone...I just can't believe my baby sister is 22!!
Within the next couple hours, Michelle and I will be headed to Tulsa for Catherine's high school graduation which will be on Saturday morning. Afterwards there is a reception to honor Catherine. Saturday night, I will be going to Iola for Garret's graduation which is on Sunday, while Michelle stays behind for Catherine's final dance recital. I have a softball doubleheader on Sunday night, so I'm headed back up to KC on Sunday evening and Michelle will fly home from Tulsa on Monday morning.
Only 1 more week of school for Michelle. I think her kids have had spring fever for the last 2 months! And to think that when she starts back, we'll have a new baby...
I probably won't have a chance to update the blog until next week, but will hopefully have pictures of Amy's birthday (this means send me those pictures Amy!) and graduations galore.....if you're really lucky, Garret's take on a popular Stomp routine will be here in the form of video.
Monday, May 14, 2007
low-key weekend
We didn't do too much this weekend. Michelle worked at the Farmstead on Saturday while I cleaned up the house (shocking, I know!). Josh and Abby were in town after going to the Grand March to see Garret walk his date, Morgan in to the prom. Josh, Abby and Amy came over on Sunday afternoon and hung out for a while and then Josh and Abby stayed in Kansas City on Sunday night as they were leaving for a trip to Pensacola, Florida to visit Kevin (one of our high school buddies).
We're only 2 months and 4 days from the due date. Funny how it gets closer by the day :)
Here's a picture of Garret and his prom date, Morgan. Personally, I think he takes after his oldest brother.....
We're only 2 months and 4 days from the due date. Funny how it gets closer by the day :)
Here's a picture of Garret and his prom date, Morgan. Personally, I think he takes after his oldest brother.....

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Congrats Josh
Today was officially my little brother's last hurrah as a college student. Some 5 (not 7, as I originally had) years and 2 schools later, Josh has seemingly overnight become an alumnus of the University of South Dakota (again, I screwed this one up, I had Dakota State University...or DSU as opposed to USD). Rest assured, your first letter begging you for a donation has already been mailed (most likely with your diploma). You laugh, but my diploma did come with such a letter (as if school didn't cost enough...)
As for other goings-on, Garret was awarded the Janet Madison Memorial Scholarship for the 2006-2007 school year at Iola High School on Tuesday night. His plans are to attend Allen County Community College for a couple years and kick it in I-town working for the Iola Pharmacy.
We also got word this week that Catherine (Michelle's youngest sister) has chosen to take a pom scholarship at the University of Tulsa. It sounds like an awesome opportunity, and a whole lot of fun. Good luck to both of the high school graduates in the family this year!
As for Michelle and I, we are doing well today, but as always looking forward to the weekend. I'm going to try to get the gutters cleaned out this weekend, weather permitting.
Since Josh finished up his undergraduate degree today, I thought I would pass along a rockin' picture of him when he was a young tyke....
As for other goings-on, Garret was awarded the Janet Madison Memorial Scholarship for the 2006-2007 school year at Iola High School on Tuesday night. His plans are to attend Allen County Community College for a couple years and kick it in I-town working for the Iola Pharmacy.
We also got word this week that Catherine (Michelle's youngest sister) has chosen to take a pom scholarship at the University of Tulsa. It sounds like an awesome opportunity, and a whole lot of fun. Good luck to both of the high school graduates in the family this year!
As for Michelle and I, we are doing well today, but as always looking forward to the weekend. I'm going to try to get the gutters cleaned out this weekend, weather permitting.
Since Josh finished up his undergraduate degree today, I thought I would pass along a rockin' picture of him when he was a young tyke....

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
75% of the way there
We're at 30 weeks today. The baby is nearly 3 pounds and is over 15" long. The measurements are starting to get closer and closer to measurements of a newborn -- CRAZY.
Megan came over and visited us on Monday night because she had a gift for us. She saw that Dr. Oz (of Oprah fame) had recommended this item for those that have allergies and sinus congestion. That pretty much sealed the deal for her, so she bought it and brought it over to us on Monday. "It" turned out to be a Neti Pot. You're supposed to fill this pot with water and a salt mixture, tilt your head to the side, and pour. When you pour, if you open your moth it drains out the other side of your nose. I took the leap first, and Michelle thought the camera was a good idea while I tried out this little do-hickey. Hope you get as big a kick out of this picture as Megan and Michelle did. I'm sure we can also arrange for all of you to try it as well.....and no, it's not painful (as a matter of fact, you'll feel quite refreshed).
Megan came over and visited us on Monday night because she had a gift for us. She saw that Dr. Oz (of Oprah fame) had recommended this item for those that have allergies and sinus congestion. That pretty much sealed the deal for her, so she bought it and brought it over to us on Monday. "It" turned out to be a Neti Pot. You're supposed to fill this pot with water and a salt mixture, tilt your head to the side, and pour. When you pour, if you open your moth it drains out the other side of your nose. I took the leap first, and Michelle thought the camera was a good idea while I tried out this little do-hickey. Hope you get as big a kick out of this picture as Megan and Michelle did. I'm sure we can also arrange for all of you to try it as well.....and no, it's not painful (as a matter of fact, you'll feel quite refreshed).
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Fetal heartbeat
Well, here goes nothin. I think I may have figured out how to get this integrated onto the blog. Let me know if it works for you!
Baby Heartbeat.wav |
Hosted by eSnips |
Wrestling in Rainwater
Over the weekend, Michelle and I made it to soon-to-be Grandma and Grandpa's house down in Southeast Kansas for a quick visit. It was a pretty miserable day weather-wise, and there were a couple of storms that came through that dumped quite a lot of rain in a short amount of time. Once the rain stopped, the skies cleared a little bit, so we went outside and found that one of the ditches had filled with water. For kicks, Austin and Garret took a little dip.. Lucky for us, I was able to get some video. I edited it down to take out the boring parts. When I did that, it seemed to come out more like a montage of Austin being knocked down....sorry about that buddy.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
new music player
I have added a music player to the page. If it does not work on your computer, right-click and select "Allow". Then you'll need to refresh the page.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
not much new
Well, there hasn't been too much going on here in the blog-world. Maybe that's because there's not that much going on with us in general :).
Today marks 29 weeks -- only 11 weeks to go. Some cool stuff about th 29th week...the baby now weighs about 2 1/1 pounds and is over 15" long. The head is growing to accommodate it's brain--which is busy growing billions of neurons. I'm really not even sure I have billions of neurons in my head. Quite honestly (Josh tells me this), I think I have rocks in my head.
So, I guess I lied in my first little blurb at the beginning...we have been doing a lot. Unfortunately, at the beginning of last week, Dianne Dickenson's mother Faye Peacock passed away. Dianne was Michelle's college coach and mentor. As such, Michelle and I went to the funeral last week. We were able to catch up with Dianne and Kristin, Dianne's daughter, who now lives in the Seattle area. We do not see some people enough :). For those interested in reading more about Faye's life, you can find her obituary here.
On Friday morning I was driving in to the office and I heard one of the more interesting interviews in a while. The guy that was interviewed was very inspiring and uplifting. He talked about dreams and helping others achieve their dreams. His dream started with a lucky penny. It sounds cheesy and a little silly, but if you go to his website you will see what I mean.
We were finally able to get the garage cleaned out on Sunday, and let me just tell you that words cannot express how HAPPY that makes us!! I was so proud I even took pictures of it. (I have a feeling that I'm going to be one of THOSE dads).
This weekend should be pretty cool. I'm headed out to chop and bundle firewood for the upcoming Great American BBQ. The BBQ is Memorial Day weekend. If you're in KC, come on out. It's a great time with all kinds of great food and music and fun for the kids! On Sunday, Michelle and I are heading down to Gas for a visit with soon-to-be Grandma and Grandpa!
Boy, did I pick a bad subject line....
Today marks 29 weeks -- only 11 weeks to go. Some cool stuff about th 29th week...the baby now weighs about 2 1/1 pounds and is over 15" long. The head is growing to accommodate it's brain--which is busy growing billions of neurons. I'm really not even sure I have billions of neurons in my head. Quite honestly (Josh tells me this), I think I have rocks in my head.
So, I guess I lied in my first little blurb at the beginning...we have been doing a lot. Unfortunately, at the beginning of last week, Dianne Dickenson's mother Faye Peacock passed away. Dianne was Michelle's college coach and mentor. As such, Michelle and I went to the funeral last week. We were able to catch up with Dianne and Kristin, Dianne's daughter, who now lives in the Seattle area. We do not see some people enough :). For those interested in reading more about Faye's life, you can find her obituary here.
On Friday morning I was driving in to the office and I heard one of the more interesting interviews in a while. The guy that was interviewed was very inspiring and uplifting. He talked about dreams and helping others achieve their dreams. His dream started with a lucky penny. It sounds cheesy and a little silly, but if you go to his website you will see what I mean.
We were finally able to get the garage cleaned out on Sunday, and let me just tell you that words cannot express how HAPPY that makes us!! I was so proud I even took pictures of it. (I have a feeling that I'm going to be one of THOSE dads).
This weekend should be pretty cool. I'm headed out to chop and bundle firewood for the upcoming Great American BBQ. The BBQ is Memorial Day weekend. If you're in KC, come on out. It's a great time with all kinds of great food and music and fun for the kids! On Sunday, Michelle and I are heading down to Gas for a visit with soon-to-be Grandma and Grandpa!
Boy, did I pick a bad subject line....
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