Wednesday, May 2, 2007

not much new

Well, there hasn't been too much going on here in the blog-world. Maybe that's because there's not that much going on with us in general :).

Today marks 29 weeks -- only 11 weeks to go. Some cool stuff about th 29th week...the baby now weighs about 2 1/1 pounds and is over 15" long. The head is growing to accommodate it's brain--which is busy growing billions of neurons. I'm really not even sure I have billions of neurons in my head. Quite honestly (Josh tells me this), I think I have rocks in my head.

So, I guess I lied in my first little blurb at the beginning...we have been doing a lot. Unfortunately, at the beginning of last week, Dianne Dickenson's mother Faye Peacock passed away. Dianne was Michelle's college coach and mentor. As such, Michelle and I went to the funeral last week. We were able to catch up with Dianne and Kristin, Dianne's daughter, who now lives in the Seattle area. We do not see some people enough :). For those interested in reading more about Faye's life, you can find her obituary here.

On Friday morning I was driving in to the office and I heard one of the more interesting interviews in a while. The guy that was interviewed was very inspiring and uplifting. He talked about dreams and helping others achieve their dreams. His dream started with a lucky penny. It sounds cheesy and a little silly, but if you go to his website you will see what I mean.

We were finally able to get the garage cleaned out on Sunday, and let me just tell you that words cannot express how HAPPY that makes us!! I was so proud I even took pictures of it. (I have a feeling that I'm going to be one of THOSE dads).

This weekend should be pretty cool. I'm headed out to chop and bundle firewood for the upcoming Great American BBQ. The BBQ is Memorial Day weekend. If you're in KC, come on out. It's a great time with all kinds of great food and music and fun for the kids! On Sunday, Michelle and I are heading down to Gas for a visit with soon-to-be Grandma and Grandpa!

Boy, did I pick a bad subject line....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt, thank you SO MUCH for mentioning Grammy!! Very nice of you - I appreciate it. Good to know the baby is growing as he/she should!! Can't wait. :o)

Warm fuzzies!!