After Angela left, Gillian had a doctor's appointment the following week on the 14th of August. At that appointmnet she weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. (50th percentile) and was 21 1/2" long (90th percentile). Rupel also mentioned that she was in the 30th percentile for head circumference (up from the 25th percentile at the 1 week visit. Last week on the 24th, Michelle had her first post-partum visit and while the nurse was taking her vitals, Dr. Sarah took Gillian to see how much she weighed. With all of her clothes on (which can't weight all that much) she weighed 9 lbs. 10 oz. She gained a full pound in 10 days!! She's getting so big!!
Anyway, back to the task at hand....the weekend of the 18th and 19th, Adam (cousin) and I trekked to Wisconsin for a float trip for Eric's (another cousin) bachelor party. The only problem was that it was only 60 degrees and it rained the entire time. I overheard someone saying that the river temperature was 51 degrees. Needless to say, we did not float the river!! Adam and I left KC on Friday afternoon and returned early Sunday evening. It was a fun trip, but I missed my girls! I didn't think I would say this, but it was nice to get back to the KC heat after such frigid weather up north. It certainly felt like football weather, I'll say that much!
This past weekend brought the Danz Family, consisting of Michelle's sister Mary, Mary's husband Don, and their 2 boys Drew and Will, to Kansas City. Don flew back to Tulsa on Sunday and I came back to work on Monday but the girls and all of the kiddos went out to the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead for a little fun in the sun.
Last night, the Dave Matthews Band made their annual stop in Kansas City at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Michelle and I decided a few weeks back that we would definitely go to the concert this year, since it fell so close to our anniversary (Thursday, the 30th). Anyone who knows me would be very surprised to learn this was my first DMB concert, given the enormity of my man-crush on Dave. The man-crush (or man-buddy) discussion is one to be had at another time....anyway.....we bought our tickets a couple weeks ago from someone who is a member of the Warehouse (the DMB fan club) and so we had pretty good seats, but then yesterday Margaret K. sent Michelle an email offering their seats to us. Margaret's tickets came with VIP parking and access to a VIP tent, where we could enjoy drinks and a catered dinner, so we opted to take those tickets instead. As it turns out, the seats from Margaret were center-stage, 8 rows back. I don't think I've ever used the word awesome as much as I have today. I still have that perpetual stupid silly grin on my face and the concert has been over for over 12 hours.'re probably wondering what we did with Gillian last night, huh? She kicked it with her Uncle Josh and Aunt Abby. She told us on the way home that she had a great time and can't wait to do it again....neither can we, Gillian...
This weekend brings us a trip to Iola to visit Nana and Pops and to see Great-Grandma and Grandpa, then we'll go out to see Grandma Janet for the first time with Gillian, which is just a few miles from where Pops and Nana live now. After that, we'll be heading to Tulsa to see Ma and Pa and to check out Aunt Catherine's new dorm room at the University of Tulsa.
Okay, enough of my rambling. The only other thing I wanted to make sure I was telling you was that Gillian is smiling all the time now and holding up her head very, very well. Here's another picture slideshow for you to enjoy!
1 comment:
i love the pic with the hardhat in the blue seat! adorable.
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