Monday, October 29, 2007

Baptism weekend

Yesterday, Gillian was baptized at Good Shepherd Catholic Church where we belong as parishioners. It was such a special day and a very incredible ceremony. We enjoyed the company of around 30 of our friends and family afterwards at a reception held at our friend Eric's art gallery. It was a perfect day. Once I get the video downloaded to the computer, I will be sharing it for everyone to see. There was a lot of talk about my inability to update the blog in a timely fashion, so I'm making that a big priority as Gillian begins to discover new things and amaze us even more.

I will upload pictures as I receive them from everyone, but before I close for now, I wanted to share this very special story with everyone.

Before I start the story, I want to point out that as you walk into our house there is a fireplace and a mantle directly to your right. To help keep my mom forever in our hearts and the forefront of our minds, a picture of her sits on the mantle. Our nephew Josh, who is 4 shared this with his Mom, Angela this weekend.
Josh: Mommy, who is that? (gesturing towards the picture)
Angela: That's your Uncle Matt's mommy.
Josh: Where is she?
Angela: Well, she is in heaven.
Josh: I don't want her to be in heaven because I haven't had a chance to meet her yet.

Yup, this was definitely a special weekend.


Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes...what a conversation between josh and angela.

Love you all, so sorry I wasn't able to be there with you but you were in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the story! I needed a good cry!

Love you,