David, Michelle's brother came in to town last weekend and hung out with us for a while. We visited George Brett's restaurant on the plaza, and then on Saturday night, went and watched the Royals take on the Devil Rays. David hadn't been to a game since the early 90s, so that was pretty fun for everyone. Plus it was Buck Night at the ball park! Hot dogs, pop, and peanuts all for a dollar!
Well, here we go. I know you've all been waiting for these....Michelle's 9-month pregnancy pictures! This first one was taken at her shower given on the 23rd of June.
This was also taken at that shower.
These last 2 pictures were taken on Tuesday night. (Notice her shirt says "Coming this Summer" -- I love that shirt!)
We just heard Matt & Michelle are off to the hospital!!!
Here's to a fast birth and a healthy baby.
(Today is also cousin Will's birthday.)
Michelle you look so good!!! That's one hot MAMA!
God bless you all today. Can't wait to hear the news.
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