Gillian's Night
Gillian Day 2 & 3
Gillian Comes Home
The first 3 days have been a dream. The first 2 nights went very, very well, but last night proved to be a bit of a challenge for the first time. That's okay though, we made it through with no major hiccups. That just meant that Mommy and Daddy got to nap when Gillian napped.
We have had several visitors in the past few days. Nana and Pops (Matt's folks) came up for a visit on Sunday and brought Uncle Garry, Uncle Austin, and Garry's girlfriend Morgan. Uncle Josh, Aunt Abby and Aunt Amy also made appearances. Everyone was very excited to get to hold Gillian. Also on Sunday, Dan and Margie Coon stopped in for a quick visit.
Monday and Tuesday were pretty low key. Several neighbors came by to visit and meet Gillian. Megan, Josh and Abby, and Amy were all over at the house at various points. They're addicted to our little Gilly bean :)
In between our visits with friends and family, Michelle and I have just fallen further in love with Gillian Grace. It's amazing what one little person can do to your life's perspective.
To all of you who have been so very kind over these past few days, thank you. It means the world to us. We are so blessed to have such great friends and family. To all those who haven't been able to see Gillian yet, we hope you will be able to soon and we will give her plenty of hugs and kisses from everyone.
One of my favorite pictures from the 1st few days....Uncle Josh is pretty proud...
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