Monday, January 7, 2008

Gillian is crawling!

Okay, so maybe it's more of a scoot, than a crawl, but she is moving forward!

We spent Friday evening and Saturday in Gas with my maternal Grandparents as they were moving to Ft. Smith, AR. As I was helping to load the moving truck, Michelle came and got me and told me that Gillian was moving forward! Sure enough, Angie and Grandma had put a cell phone on the floor in front of her and off she went.....just like her dad, she already likes the phone :)

We are trying to get it recorded, so hopefully that video will be forthcoming.

In other news....for the first time in a YEAR (since we moved into the house), there is a car parked in the garage!! We got home from Gas on Saturday night and yesterday was spent making room and organizing our things in the garage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow thats some big news with Gillian AND the if we could just get that deck