Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In case you missed it...

I haven't given an update on Gillian lately and what she is up to that's what today is going to be about. She is not walking yet, though we think she is very close. She will walk all over the place as long as we're there to steady her :). Her vocabulary is growing as well. She now (somewhat distinctly) says puppy and baby, in addition to her now famous "hi there" and "buh-bye". Occasionally when she is upset, she'll throw in a Mama or Dada, but usually only then.

Since the Enos family visited, we've also had Catherine (Michelle's youngest sister) visit for a week and then Michelle's parents came to visit with Gillian over last weekend. Also last weekend, Gillian and Mommy helped me to celebrate my first Father's Day. It was releaxing as we mainly hung out around the house. I got a brand new grill for the new deck that we are planning on building...I can't wait to use it! This weekend brings Michelle's 1st anniversary of birthday number 30, so we're having a small get-together with friends on Saturday night. Happy birthday Michelle!

I have some video of Gillian and her new sweet dance moves that I will get uploaded as soon as I can find the cord to the video camera. Until next time....buh-bye.

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