Friday, July 13, 2007

Welcome Gillian Grace!

Gillian Grace Madison was born at 10:10 pm on July 12, 2007. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and measured at 19 1/2 inches long. She has a full head of jet black hair and the hair is about an inch long.

All told, Michelle was in labor for just under 12 hours, and is doing wonderfully. We are relaxing for the evening and hope to get a few minutes rest before Gillian comes back for another feeding. Right now, she is in the nursery, basking in the warmth of a heat lamp. She has gotten her first bath, and her hair has been washed. She has a mini-mohawk with all that hair!!

Here are some action photos from the day...

This is Michelle in the midst of her contractions during late morning on the 12th. We headed to the hospital between 1:30 and 2:00. I believe she was consulting with the doctor here and they were trying to determine what the course of action would be.
Here is Baby Gillian at a little after 10 o'clock. This is her first portrait :)

Here is all 3 of us!

I will be uploading a few more pictures to the web share site as soon as I can, so I don't take up blog bandwidth. As for now, Mommy and I are going to retire for the night. We both have a very calm and serene feeling right now. Today was the best day of my life.

My girls....


Anonymous said...

That is an AWESOME picture of Michelle and Gillian!! I'm so happy for you guys!! She is so adorable!! I'll see you tomorrow sometime!! I love you guys!!

Amy (the coolest aunt ever)

Anonymous said...


What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. You all look like the perfect family. We are so happy and excited for you and can't wait to see you.

Way to go Michelle!

Anonymous said...

Gillian is such a cute baby! We can't to see her.

Drew and Will

(Drew typed his own name :) - Love you 3! Mary)

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful absolutely beautiful...did i say she's beautiful? I'm so happy for both of you. Michelle you are AMAZING!! Is there anything you can't do?

Love you all!!!!
Ang (the original coolest aunt ever)

Monkey Business said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That's wonderful. Gillian is a beautiful baby (of course, with you both as parents). We are so happy for you.

Anonymous said...


At least I'm not the old aunt. You're so old news! Quit trying to steal everyone's thunder!


matt said...

Since you 2 are fighting over the 'cool aunt' status, we've decided to let Gillian decide for herself....

After all, she has some pretty cool aunts :)

Anonymous said...


There's no competition here...i'm the coolest aunt and that will never change no matter how old I am. I'm positive that Gillian will choose me as her favorite so you might as well accept 2nd place now.
