Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Schools must be full of germs

Man, I was getting ready to post something and I accidentally erased it all....guess I'll try to recap.

Michelle was feeling better Monday night and Tuesday, but today around noon she started getting a sore throat and had a couple sneezing attacks. She called it an early night and headed to bed with some Robitussin in hopes of kicking this cold without having to call Dr. Fischer. With all of those germs floating around in school, I think each child should go to school in their own little bubble....that would certainly solve the problem :)

There definitely must be something in the water at work. When Michelle gives birth in July, I will be the 7th person on my team at work to increase their family by 1 in the last year. There are only 26 total people on our team!! I thought it seemed like a lot of people were having babies, but I hadn't done the math until earlier today. Since last August, there have been 4 babies born and 3 are on the way, of the 4 already born --2 were boys and 2 were girls. Looks like if we play those odds, we're at 50/50....

Today marks week 17 of the pregnancy. According to the fetus is around 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces, or the size of a large onion.

Unrelated....but interesting. The window that is closest to my cube in the office building in which I work faces the chemical plant that exploded on Wednesday around 2:15. Our building is approximately 1 mile from the explosion site. Miraculously, there were no injuries or fatalities, but the thick black smoke and subsequent mini-explosions led to a very unproductive afternoon of standing at the window! The power did flicker twice right about the time of the initial explosion, but other than that, no damage done. Kudos to the KC emergency response teams for avoiding panic and restoring order fairly quickly.

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